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Pet Loss Frequently Asked Questions

How many groups can I join?

Please limit your attendance to 1-2 group sessions per week. You may attend group sessions for as long as you like.

Are you a hotline and available all the time?

No, we are not a hotline. We are available to speak by appointment only and are in the office during normal business hours.

What if I can't attend a session of the six-week Journey Course?

We record each PowerPoint presentation that is shown and email the recording after the session.

Do I have to speak if I go to a group?

We encourage you to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable, and if you're not ready to speak, that's okay! We utilize the chat box in Zoom so you can always talk with other group members that way.

Who do I talk to if I'm in a crisis and need help immediately?

There are many crisis hotlines that are available 24/7 and we have them listed at the bottom of the Pet Loss page on our website.

Are you counselors or therapists?

No. We are certified grief coaches here to provide compassionate grief support. Since we are not counselors or therapists, we are unable to appropriately evaluate human mental health concerns and do not provide mental health counseling.

Are participants in Pet Loss Support programs required to use Lap of Love services?
No, use of Lap of Love services is not required. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a pet is welcome.
I have a friend who I think needs grief support. Will you give her a call to check in on her?

We don't want to assume someone wants support when they may feel otherwise, so we avoid calling anyone that does not specifically ask for grief support. Please give your friend our contact information and we will respond once they reach out to us.

I would like some help determining if the time is right to say goodbye to my faithful friend.

We have several options for pet parents who desire additional assurance—beyond the opinion of their regular veterinarian—in determining when euthanasia is the right decision. You can utilize our Telehospice or in-home hospice services, or reach out to one of our Veterinary Care Coordinators at (855) 933-5683.

Are you available on weekends?

We are available most weekends; however, we are a small team, so there will be some weekends when we are unavailable.

What is anticipatory grief?

Anticipatory grief is sorrow experienced before an impending death of a loved one.

How long will I feel so sad?

Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no set timeline. We never "get over" a loss, instead we learn to get through it. The only way to get through grief is to grieve, so give yourself time and space for your sadness. Finding ways to mourn your loved one will help you heal.

How can I help my kids cope with this loss?
Being open and honest about your grief with your children shows them that their feelings are valid and grief is ok. Offer safe spaces to answer questions, listen to stories, and help them create any memorials they would like. There are many children's books that can be helpful as well.
How can I best support someone I love who is grieving their pet?

Let your grieving friend/family member know that you are there for them and offer a safe, listening ear. Sit with them when they cry, don't try to take away their sadness, and just be present with them. Pass along our information as well and remind them that they're not alone.

Why do I feel so alone?

Trust us when we say, you are not alone in how you feel. The despair that people feel after losing a pet is often referred to as disenfranchised grief, which is grief that is not acknowledged or validated by society. Many people do not understand that losing a pet is the same as losing a family member. Because of this, many people have less compassion for grief after pet loss, which leads to diminished representation of the experience. 

Veterinary Pet Hospice


In-Home Pet Euthanasia

Pet Loss Support